You provide comfort, care, and knowledge. You help tend to your loved one’s needs. We appreciate the important role that you, as a caregiver, play in supporting your friend or family member.
All clinical trials are different, but some tasks are similar regardless of the study your loved one has joined. We hope the information provided here is helpful as you prepare to assist the participant on his or her clinical trial journey.
Ways to support a loved one in a clinical trial
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Frequently asked questions
Every clinical trial is different, so the time commitment for each is also different. Each clinical trial has a detailed plan for study activities. This plan includes the length of time required to participate in the study, the number of appointments related to the study, and what will happen during those appointments. You may also consider the time you will need to travel to the appointments.
During the informed consent process, the study team will walk you through the details of the study. You can ask the study team any questions you have before deciding whether to participate, as well as during the study.
The available support depends on your specific study and the location where your loved one is enrolled. The details are explained in the informed consent document. Examples of support that may be available include transportation to study visits or digital tools to help participants capture study-related activities. The study team is also always available to answer any questions you or your loved one may have.
The study coordinator or another member of the study team at the location where your loved one is participating is typically your main point of contact throughout the clinical trial. This member can answer many questions about the day-to-day details of the study. Depending on your question, he or she may refer you to other members of the study team, such as the principal investigator, at the location where your loved one is participating.