DREAM Study Information

The Pfizer DREAM study is now enrolling Phase 3, which is evaluating the efficacy and safety of an investigational medicine called Osivelotor (formerly GBT021601) in people with Sickle Cell Disease. (SCD).

The DREAM study is being conducted in 2 parts:

  • Part A is a randomized, open-label, dose-finding study. Enrollment has been completed for Part A.
  • Part B is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study.
Additional eligibility criteria will be assessed by the study site team during screening.

Watch this video to learn more about Osivelotor

Osivelotor is investigational and not approved by any health authority.

People are often introduced to the world of clinical trials through conversations with their healthcare providers. As with anything new, there may be a number of questions, concerns, or misconceptions.

Being their trusted healthcare provider, we appreciate you taking the time to have an open discussion with patients and their loved ones who may be interested in participating. 

If you would like more study-specific information or to connect with a Pfizer Field Medical Director please click here to email us.

If any of your patients take part in the DREAM study, rest assured that they will remain under your medical care for all non-study–related needs and will continue to receive any benefits to which they are entitled.

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