You may have noticed, but different people use different names for this skin condition. Some people call it “atopic dermatitis” and some call it “AD”, but most people just call it “eczema”. In fact, atopic dermatitis is one of the most common forms of eczema, so to keep things simple, we’ll call it eczema too.
Our understanding of eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) is evolving.
We’re working closely with doctors and scientists to conduct a clinical trial to see if two potential medicines can safely and effectively reduce signs and symptoms of moderate to severe eczema.
You could help us discover the next generation of targeted, steroid-free potential medicines. If you take part, for 10 months you’ll receive attentive care from a team of dedicated health professionals, while being part of a clinical trial aiming to improve the lives of people living with eczema.
Who may participate
No one’s skin is exactly the same. Diversity in study participants is important in order to understand whether potential medicines work in different people. Race, ethnicity, age, and gender can all impact how different people respond to the same treatment.
When you participate in a study, you’re helping to represent both your community and all people who are affected by eczema. Your participation can make a difference.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis or AD)
18+ years
Male or Female
Each clinical study has its own guidelines for who can participate, called eligibility criteria. However, only the research study staff can determine if you qualify to enroll in the study.
Get started — See if you may be eligible
Answer a 5-minute questionnaire.
A first step as you consider this study is to answer a 5-minute online questionnaire about your health and medical history. If your answers show the study might be a good fit for you, you may choose to be referred to a study clinic that you select.
Speak with a study representative.
If you’re interested, you will then be asked to provide your contact information for a study representative to contact you and discuss the next steps.
Confirm your eligibility.
Your answers to these questions will only be linked to you if your responses indicate that you may be eligible to participate in this study and you choose to share your contact information with the study team. Pfizer study team members and our partners will have access to reports containing aggregated data that will not be directly linked back to you. Only the study staff can determine if you meet the study’s eligibility criteria and are able to enroll in the study.
What to expect
If the study is right for you, and you’d like to join, you will be randomly assigned to receive either one of the study medications or a placebo. In this study, 4 out of 5 people will receive a study medicine and 1 out of 5 people will receive a placebo. A placebo does not have any medicine in it but looks just like the medicine being studied.
Whilst you are free to leave the study at any time, staying in a study until the end really helps scientists and doctors to discover new treatments for people living with eczema.
Length of study treatment
10 Months
Number of study visits
Approximately 13
Why do different people call eczema (atopic dermatitis or AD) by different names?
Why do different people call eczema (atopic dermatitis or AD) by different names?

Frequently asked questions
It’s caused by an imbalance in your immune system that triggers it to overact, leading to inflammation just beneath the surface of the skin. It’s this inflammation that causes the symptoms you see and feel, such as the intense itch, discomfort and cracked skin.
Unfortunately, this inflammation can still be active even when you’re not having a flare, and whilst there have been new medicines to help control eczema over the last few years, these medicines do not work for all patients and many people find themselves cycling through treatment after treatment.
We are studying two potential medicines to see if either can safely and effectively get eczema signs and symptoms under control.
The study medicines are thought to work by stopping your immune system from creating the unnecessary inflammation underneath your skin. This may reduce the itchiness and discomfort associated with eczema and may lead to clearer skin and greater control.
All clinical trials have possible risks. The known risks of taking part in this phase 2 study will be explained to you during the informed consent process. This happens before you decide whether to participate.
A lot of information on these study medicines has been collected during the phase 1 studies, so by joining this phase 2 clinical trial you’re helping researchers better understand how well these two study medicines may work in moderate to severe eczema (atopic dermatitis). Researchers will also gain a greater understanding of the side effects that may occur.